One of my first baby foods was homemade sauerkraut. I ate it while sitting on my Grandpa’s knee. Great memories of eating it with him always draws me to eat more. Plus, this stuff is really good for you! Packed full of healthy probiotics and fiber. It’s also very inexpensive and easy to make. A staple food that we always have in our kitchen. I have made so many variations that I just had to share, but I will start with my basic sauerkraut recipe first…
Basic Sauerkraut Recipe:
1 large head of cabbage (or about 4 cups shredded cabbage)
Cut cabbage into shreds and place into a large bowl
Add sea salt
Massage together with your hands until the cabbage starts to weep (it becomes wet)
Add to your fermenting vessel (I use these) and push it down with your fist
Place a plate on top of the cabbage, and a weight of some sort if you are making it in a bowl or a larger fermenting vessel
I use a plastic (food grade) bag filled with water as a weight on the cabbage, because a plate won’t fit into my jar
Liquid should come off the cabbage and completely submerge the cabbage (this is important as exposed cabbage will mold)
But make sure the cabbage is completely under the liquid
Let sit on your counter, covered with a towel for as long as you desire.
After a week if it tastes sour and you want to eat it, then eat it! It’s ready
I’ve let batches go for 6 months…..yep, 6 months. It was delicious! Someone once told me that in Germany if the kraut is less than 2 years old, they call it coleslaw. It gets better with age, like wine and cheese!
(pictured below is my dill pickle sauerkraut)
Liver Detox Sauerkraut Recipe:
1 head cabbage
2 beets — beets help the liver detox
1 apple
2 Tbsp sea salt
Shred cabbage, put into large bowl
Shred beet and apple in a food processor until its shredded
Add to cabbage
Add salt
Massage until weeping
Put into fermentation vessel and ferment the same way as in the Basic Kraut recipe above
Spicy Sauerkraut Recipe:
4 jalapeños, thinly sliced
1 head cabbage
1 tbsp sea salt
Follow same directions as above, although you might want to wear gloves when massaging it. Or, just avoid touching your eyes for about 24 hours….ouch!
Heavy Metal Detox Sauerkraut Recipe:
1 head cabbage
1 bunch cilantro finely chopped — cilantro binds to heavy metals
2 tbsp Hawaiian sea salt (with the charcoal in it) — charcoal binds to toxins and pulls them out of your body — where to find this
Follow same directions as above
Dill Pickle Sauerkraut Recipe:
1 head cabbage
1 Tbsp dried (or fresh) dill
Follow the same directions as above
Watch my video below, where I show exactly how I make my sauerkraut in my kitchen
What is your favorite variation of homemade sauerkraut? Do you do it differently than I do? I would love to hear about it in the comments below!
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