вторник, 23 декабря 2014 г.

Fermented Carrot Sticks

Fermented Carrot Sticks
Fermented Carrot Sticks

These fermented carrot sticks make a great snack or side dish, and are an easy way to get more fermented foods into your diet. They don’t have the sour or spicy flavor that some fermented foods have and are a great way to get started on eating more of these foods. Kids like them and so do picky adults who think that fermented foods are weird.

Fermented Carrot Sticks

These fermented carrot sticks make a great snack or side dish, and are an easy way to get more fermented foods into your diet.

  • 2½ pounds of Organic Carrots
  • 6 Organic Garlic Cloves, cut into 4 pieces
  • ¼ cup of Cilantro
  • 1 tablespoons of Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt or 1 teaspoon of Veggie Starter Cultture (like this)
  • Filtered or Spring Water (do not use tap water)
  • 2 large pieces of Organic Cucumber, a sterilized river stone or a fermentation weight (like this)
  • 2 - 32 ounce Mason Jars

  1. Peel the carrots and cut into sticks.
  2. Peel the garlic and cut into 4 pieces.
  3. Clean and chop the cilantro.
  4. Dissolve either the salt or veggie starter culture in a small amount of water.
  5. Place the carrots, garlic, and cilantro tightly into the jars with a few inches of space at the top.
  6. Pour in the salt water or veggie starter water.
  7. Pour in enough Filtered or Spring Water to cover the carrots with a couple of inches left at the top.
  8. The carrots need to be completely submerged under the liquid.
  9. You can use either a large piece of cucumber which is how I do it, or a clean, sterilized river stone or a fermentation weight.
  10. If using a cucumber, simply cut a piece or two and stick it into the top so it pushes down the cucumber.
  11. If you are using the stone or the weight, place that into the top so the carrots are pushed down and completely submerged.
  12. Place the top on the jar.
  13. Only screw it on half-way as pressure could build up and cause it to explode. I have never had this happen, but store it is a safe place, just in case.
  14. Place a small plate under the jar in case it leaks.
  15. It will take around 2 weeks for these to ferment.
  16. You can check it by very carefully opening it over the sink. When it is bubby and the carrots taste tangy and less sweet, you will know it is done.
  17. Remove and discard the cucumber pieces. If you used the stone or the weght, take it out and clean it off.
  18. Store them in the refrigerator when done.
  19. They will last for at least 3 months.

Fermented Carrot Sticks

Original article and pictures take www.mindbodyoasis.com site

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