понедельник, 3 августа 2015 г.

Homemade Almond Milk Yogurt

Homemade Almond Milk Yogurt
This homemade almond milk yogurt recipe is a delicious, affordable option if you and your family love yogurt but are vegan or can't tolerate dairy products.

Is your dairy-free family obsessed with yogurt like mine? This homemade almond milk yogurt recipe is a delicious, affordable option if you and your family love yogurt but are vegan or can’t tolerate dairy products.

Years ago, I made a gallon of homemade cow’s yogurt at a shot. My kids would gobble it up in a few days. It was simple to make and the control over each ingredient made me happy.

Fast forward a few years. We discovered milk caused tummy aches, diarrhea, and heartburn in my kids. It was heartbreaking. My kids loved milk and yogurt! But the cost of non-dairy yogurt was a hard pill to swallow. The way my kids eat yogurt, they kick a pint size yogurt container each by 10am.

I experimented with making my own almond milk yogurt. It was a rough road: Lots of failed yogurt batches and disappointed little kids when a batch didn’t pan out. We made the best of it.

Here are 3 lessons I had to learn the hard way. Don’t make the same mistakes. Let’s save you time, money and frustration.

1. You Must Use Homemade Almond Milk

Small Footprint Family

I have attempted to make yogurt with several varieties of store-bought almond milk. I used the same process I used to make regular cow’s milk yogurt – FAIL! Each and EVERY time.

Then I realized the process was different for almond milk yogurt. So, I tried a bunch of “no-fail” almond milk recipes. Still a fail!

The problem? I did not follow those recipes exactly. I used store-bought almond milk instead of making my own. Anything but homemade almond milk will not work! I’ve tried many brands several times. No exceptions.

I assume the additives in the store bought almond milk mess with the culturing process. I’ve added thickeners and gotten thickened milk, but it didn’t taste or smell like yogurt. The cultures never survived, and sometimes bad mold took over with a pink haze over the top of my yogurt. (If you get that, throw it out!)

Making your own almond milk does take a little more time, but it’s easier than you think it is.

2. You Need to Use a Thickener

Almond milk yogurt, like most non-dairy yogurts, needs a thickener, otherwise it will be very runny.

If you’ve made cow’s milk yogurt, you know it firms up, but not like a cup of store-bought, commercial yogurt, which is full of thickeners. Almond milk yogurt will be even more runny. This is great for use in smoothies, but not yogurt.

I know it’s frustrating when you’re trying to avoid additives right!? We’re going to look at some healthy thickeners options to solve the problem.

3. You Cannot Reuse Your Yogurt Culture

I read about people reusing the almond milk yogurt culture. I’d love to smell their yogurt to see if it has that distinct yogurt smell. I imagine it is just thickened milk. Yogurt should be tangy.

Make sure you use a new culture each time for almond milk yogurt. Yogurt starter culture produces the most consistent yogurt results.

I’ve heard success stories using a high quality probiotic capsule. I prefer the starter culture. I know it contains cultures specifically found in yogurt. The preference is yours.

The US government requires Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophiles in yogurt. Look out for a probiotic with those strains. (Source: FDA)

I found the FDA regulation below during my research. I had to share, it made me laugh. And shake my head.

“Shall possess a firm, custard-like body with a smooth, homogeneous texture. A spoonful of yogurt should maintain its form without displaying sharp edges.” (Source: FDA)

Sharp edges…. Really?!?!

Since you don’t want sharp edges in your yogurt either, let’s talk thickeners. Get your yogurt to the perfect texture.

Thickeners for Almond Milk Yogurt

Thickeners can be tricky. I’ve done a lot of experimentation with almond milk yogurt thickeners. More than I’d care to admit.

Some thickeners were okay, others were a flop.

Texture and thickness were the biggest issues. You want something smooth, not grainy.

I’m sure you have a preference on your yogurt thickness too. Your preference might not jive with others in your home. I like a thicker yogurt, my 6-year-old loves when it is a runny mess. He’s always rooting for me to mess something up.

I make our yogurt fairly thick and whisk his a little to get the consistency he likes.

Here are the 2 thickeners I use in my yogurt.

Arrowroot Powder

Homemade almond milk has the tendency to separate. Arrowroot powder is great to thicken the yogurt and keep the yogurt from separating. So disappointing when you end up with a watery mess on the bottom and a custard like yogurt on top.

You’ve got to keep the milk evenly dispersed.

Cornstarch can be used as a substitute.


This is my favorite way to thicken my yogurt. I use 100% grass-fed gelatin from animals raised sustainably on pasture. I’m sneaking a healthy food in for my kids to eat without them knowing. It works great and has a consistent texture.

If you’re vegan, you can swap it out for agar agar in equal amounts. Make sure you’re using powdered agar agar instead of the flakes.

Interested in more information about thickeners? Check out Cultures for Health’s thickeners resource.

Sunflower Lecithin

Homemade almond milk will separate. I use sunflower lecithin to keep the milk from separating if I’m making almond milk. You do not need to add lecithin if you are making your almond milk into yogurt.

Add 1 teaspoon of sunflower lecithin per 4 cups of almond milk. I add the sunflower lecithin once I strain the milk. A quick blend in the mixer does the trick.

I struggled with breastfeeding my 4th child. Sunflower lecithin capsules saved my breastfeeding experience. It magically unclogs your milk ducts, which saved me from lots of struggle and pain. I hope it does for you, too.

Now, let’s make some almond milk yogurt…

  1. Homemade Almond Milk Yogurt

  1. Homemade Almond Milk Yogurt

  1. Homemade Almond Milk Yogurt

What’s your favorite way to enjoy your homemade yogurt? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

Original article and pictures take www.smallfootprintfamily.com site

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