вторник, 10 января 2017 г.

Making Cultured Butter…it’s so easy!!!

Making Cultured Butter…it’s so easy!!!
How to Make Homemade Cultured Butter - www.ohlardy.com

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Last week, I made several different versions of cultured sour cream. This is essentially sour cream that has been naturally soured…by using good bacteria to eat the sugars in the cream to create a wonderfully probiotic-rich, enzyme-filled, nourishing sour cream.

This week, I decided to take some of that sour cream and turn it into cultured butter!

Why cultured butter? Cultured butter is delicious and has much of the probiotic activity and benefits of the cultured cream! It is delicious spread on toast, topped on vegetables, anything!!!

Making Cultured Butter...it's so easy!

To make the cultured butter, I took my sour cream and put it in my stand mixer. I set my mixer to high and just waited. I have done this numerous times and it takes between 10 to 25 minutes. I just kept the mixer on high, stood there, and answered some emails on my phone while the cream whipped! You don't want to get too far away because when the butter finally separates, it splashes quite a bit!!

Making Cultured Butter...it's so easy!

At this point, it still has a way to go to become butter, but this would make delicious cultured whipping cream! Sometimes, I take a little bit out at this point, add a touch of vanilla and maple syrup…and voila! A delicious whipped cream to serve with fruit! Talk about a nourishing, probiotic-rich treat!!

Making Cultured Butter...it's so easy!

As it whips, it goes from ‘whipped' to a bit firmer in texture. Keep whipping…not there yet!

Making Cultured Butter...it's so easy!

Now we have butter! This happens quick as the fat all coagulates and the buttermilk releases! At this point, turn off your mixer or you will have splattered buttermilk everywhere!!

Making Cultured Butter...it's so easy!

Now I strain the butter, being sure to save all that delicious buttermilk. Then I take this mass of butter and continue to squeeze and squeeze over the strainer until all of the buttermilk is released. This can be messy!

Making Cultured Butter...it's so easy!

I then took some parchment paper and rolled the butter in the parchment to firm up in the refrigerator. And I poured the buttermilk into a small glass jar.

What should you do with all of that buttermilk? Don't waste it! You can use it to culture more sour cream of course! Here are 10 uses for buttermilk. And here is a delicious recipe for buttermilk biscuits from Jenny at Nourished Kitchen.

This butter is delicious! You don't want to cook with it as you will kill the live cultures. But serve it as you normally would butter! It has almost a slightly sharp cheesy flavor. My daughter often eats it as a small slice of cheese!

How to Make Homemade Cultured Butter - www.ohlardy.com

This post shared at these awesome blog carnivals: Real Food Wednesday, Frugal Days Sustainable Ways, Whole Foods Wednesday, Party Wave Wednesday, Wildcrafting Wednesday, Simple Lives Thursday, Thank Your Body Thursday, Tasty Traditions, Fresh Bites Friday, Link Love, Simple Meals Friday, Natural Living Friday, Old Fashioned Friday, Small Footprint Friday, Weekend Whatever, Sunday School, Make Your Own Monday, More the Merrier Monday, Homestead Barn Hop, Thank Goodness It's Monday, Fat Tuesday, Scratch Cooking Tuesday, Slightly Indulgent Tuesday, Traditional Tuesdays, Family Table Tuesdays, Tuned In Tuesdays

Original article and pictures take ohlardy.com site

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