понедельник, 19 июня 2017 г.

Save Those Stems! Make Strawberry Vinegar!

Save Those Stems! Make Strawberry Vinegar!

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Here’s an easy project. You can use your strawberry stems to make a gorgeous strawberry vinegar. I shared this on facebook yesterday, and it was so popular that I thought I should share it with you here, so it doesn’t get lost.


If you are enjoying a bunch of strawberries or making jam, etc., don’t just throw away the tops that you cut off! Collect them in a clean jar, then cover them with apple cider vinegar or white wine vinegar. Let them steep in the cupboard for about a week, and when you strain them out, you will have a gorgeous bottle of pink Strawberry Vinegar! It’s great for putting on salads, or adding to cocktails!

I made this last year, and it was really nice. I also did the same with cherry pits, which produced an even stronger flavor– so good! You can get this type of bottle here, and find similar (removable) labels for your bottles here.

Original article and pictures take andhereweare.net site

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