DISCLOSURE: Please note these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. I am not a doctor. I am simply sharing my experiences.
Fermented food is all the rage right now. Well, it’s been all the rage throughout history with records of fermentation as early as 3000 BC. Cleopatra did it, Captain James Cook did it, Queen Elizabeth I did it. And now I do it. Popular fermented foods today include kombucha, kefir, sauerkraut, fermented garlic, fermented pickles….you get the idea. I get questions daily about how to get started, where to buy starter culture kits,, & general how to inquiries. Everyone wants to know how to get their fermented probiotics on!
Fermenting food is one the 6 most important steps towards a natural and healthy lifestyle. Here’s why:
- Fermented foods are full of natural probiotics. There are good bacteria and bad bacteria in our bodies. The good bacteria are what keep us healthy and keep our digestive system working properly. Probiotics are the good bacteria. Read more about probiotics here.
- Fermented foods improve digestion. As we age, we produce less enzymes necessary to break down and digest food. Fermented foods are full of those enzymes.
- Fermented foods are very nutrient dense. The fermentation preserves the vitamins & enzymes of the raw foods and new vitamins & enzymes are created during the process.
I know it’s intimidating at first. I was intimidated too the first time I heard the words “scoby” and “kombucha” and “kefir.” But don’t worry, it’s much, much, much easier than it sounds. I learned everything I know from Culture Your Life: Kefir and Kombucha For Every Day Nourishment by Louise Kane Buckley.
Louise shows you how to:
- Boost your immune system
- Improve digestive health
- Stimulate hormonal balance
- Correct bacterial and yeast imbalances
- Increase energy levels
Yep! All that can be done with fermented food! That’s why it’s one of the most important things you can do to transform your life and health! Read more about the benefits of fermented food here by Oh Lardy.
Over 45 Recipes Included!
Culture Your Life has over 45 recipes and Louise walks you through the whole process, including how to choose quality ingredients (yep, even scoby & kefir grains!), what’s a second fermentation & how to do it, and gives you the confidence to get started. She covers everything from baked goods to ice cream to face masks to hand sanitizer. Until I read this book, I had no idea how versatile fermented food really is. I mean, really, really, really is.
- Did you know you can make laundry detergent out of kombucha?
- Did you know kefir relieves sunburns when used topically?
- Did you know that you can use kefir as a face mask for super soft skin?
- Did you know you can eat dehydrated kombucha scoby as a probiotic snack?
Are you fed up with IBS symptoms, food sensitivies, lack of energy, hormonal imbalance, & blood sugar problems? Culture Your Life can help! Learn why I am now cultured & will never go back! Order now for only $19!

Original article and pictures take cdn.thecrunchymoose.com site
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